Birdwatching on Kangaroo Island: my 1 week of birding

Kangaroo Island, South Australia

Kangaroo Island Birds

Welcome to Kangaroo Island, a paradise for birdwatchers! This stunning island located off the coast of South Australia is home to a diverse range of bird species, making it a haven for bird enthusiasts of all levels. Whether you are a seasoned birder or a beginner looking to explore the world of avian wonders, Kangaroo Island offers a plethora of exciting birdwatching opportunities.

This is my 1 week adventure of Birdwatching on Kangaroo Island…

Scarlet Robin, Kangaroo Island

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Best Birdwatching Locations on Kangaroo Island

When it comes to birdwatching, Kangaroo Island boasts some of the best locations in Australia. One of the top spots is Flinders Chase National Park, a vast wilderness that is home to a wide variety of bird species. The park’s pristine habitats, including dense forests, wild coastal cliffs, and open grasslands, provide the perfect setting for a memorable birding adventure.

I did a few hikes in the National Park and saw quite a few bird species. I visited in February 2024, and it has completely regrown since the devasting fires.

As I walked I was surrounded in green shrubbery and the sounds of a variety of birds. I couldn’t tell you what birds I was hearing (I’m not that level of nerd just yet) but the sounds were beautiful.

Spotted Pardalote, Kangaroo Island

For those interested in penguins, a visit to the Penneshaw Penguin Centre is a must. Here, you can take a guided tour to observe the charming little penguins as they come ashore after a day of fishing. It’s a truly magical experience that shouldn’t be missed.

Another fantastic birdwatching location on Kangaroo Island is the Seal Bay Conservation Park. Not only is it a haven for Australian sea lions, but it also offers excellent opportunities to spot various seabirds, including majestic albatrosses and graceful gannets. Walking along the pristine beach while listening to the soothing sounds of the waves and watching these seabirds in their natural habitat is a truly serene experience for any bird enthusiast.

Additionally, the Cygnet River Wetlands provide a unique birdwatching experience on Kangaroo Island. This important wetland habitat is home to a diverse range of bird species, from colorful parrots to elusive waterfowl. Exploring the tranquil wetlands by kayak or on foot allows visitors to observe these birds up close in their natural environment, making it a must-visit destination for any avid birdwatcher.

Tips for Birdwatching Beginners on Kangaroo Island

If you’re new to birdwatching, Kangaroo Island is a fantastic place to start your journey. The island’s abundance of birdlife and welcoming natural surroundings make it an ideal destination for beginners. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Exploring the diverse habitats of Kangaroo Island can lead to sightings of a wide variety of bird species. From the endangered Glossy Black-Cockatoo to the colorful Superb Fairywren (not to flex but I saw both), the island offers a rich tapestry of avian life waiting to be discovered. Birdwatching on Kangaroo Island provides a unique opportunity to witness both endemic species and migratory birds that visit the island seasonally.

  • Invest in a good pair of binoculars. A decent pair of binoculars can make a world of difference when it comes to spotting and identifying birds.
  • Do your research (which you’re doing now, but more than just this article). Familiarize yourself with the different bird species you may encounter on the different areas you plan to visit. A bird field guide or a birdwatching app can be a valuable resource. There is also a book about the Birdlife on Kangaroo Island for sale at most gift shops and cafes on the Island.
  • Join a guided birdwatching tour. This can be a great way to learn from experienced birdwatchers and discover the island’s hidden birding gems. Penneshaw Penguin Centre’s tours are a must!
  • Respect the birds and their habitats. Keep a safe distance and avoid disturbing nesting sites or delicate ecosystems. (Especially Ospreys and Sea Eagles).

As you venture into the bushland and coastal areas of Kangaroo Island, keep an ear out for the melodic calls of the island’s feathered residents. The rhythmic drumming of the Sacred Kingfisher (which sadly I never got to see) or the haunting cry of the Southern Boobook Owl are just a few of the sounds that may serenade you during your birdwatching excursions. 

Remarkable Rocks, Kangaroo Island

Birdwatching on Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island, located off the coast of South Australia, is a haven for birdwatchers of all levels. The island’s diverse range of habitats, including pristine beaches, rugged cliffs, dense forests, and open grasslands, provide a rich tapestry for bird species to thrive. As you venture through the eucalyptus forests, keep an eye out for the iconic Superb Fairywrens darting among the branches, their electric blue plumage a striking contrast against the green foliage.

One of the highlights of birding on Kangaroo Island is the opportunity to spot the endangered Cape Barren Geese. Quick Tip: You’re practically guaranteed to see them if you stay at the Discovery Park near Flinders Chase National Park. These large, distinctive birds with their pale grey plumage and bright green beaks can often be seen grazing in the open grasslands.

In addition to the native species, Kangaroo Island also plays host to a variety of migratory birds, making it a hotspot for birdwatching year-round. I went in February but speaking to the locals it’s also a great visit during the wetter seasons as the plains become flooded.

Whether you’re an avid birder or just starting out, Kangaroo Island offers a truly immersive and unforgettable experience for all nature enthusiasts.

Eastern Spinebill, Kangaroo Island

Where to see Penguins on Kangaroo Island

Penneshaw Penguin Centre’s Tours are a must-do on Kangaroo Island. I’ve done this tour twice now and cannot recommend it enough. It’s not available every month of the year (due to when Penguins are on land) so be sure to check the availability.

We did the tour and saw at least 10 penguins which was amazing! They’re absolutely adorable and completely wild. They waddle in from the waters and with the red-torches you can see the Penguins without disturbing them.

The conservation and efforts done at Penneshaw has been incredible and honestly who doesn’t want to say “yeah I saw a wild penguin in Australia!” Still makes no sense to me, so so cool!

Fairy Penguin, Kangaroo Island

Birdlife on Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island is the perfect destination for bird lovers. With over 260 bird species residing on the island, there is always something fascinating to discover. From iconic Australian birds such as emus and kookaburras to a wide range of shorebirds, waterfowl, and birds of prey, the island offers a rich and diverse birdlife that will captivate any birder.

One of the highlights for birdwatchers on Kangaroo Island is the opportunity to spot the endangered Glossy Black-Cockatoo. These elusive birds are known for their distinctive red tail feathers and can often be seen feeding on the seeds of sheoak trees. If you stay at American River you’re likely to hear them and spot them, as there is a dense Sheoak area there. There’s even a cafe in American River called the “Glossy Black”!

Another rare bird species that calls Kangaroo Island home is the Southern Emu-Wren, a tiny and cryptic bird that inhabits dense coastal vegetation, making it a challenging but rewarding sighting for bird enthusiasts.

Aside from the terrestrial bird species, Kangaroo Island is also a haven for seabirds. Visitors can witness majestic albatross gliding effortlessly over the Southern Ocean, as well as colonies of adorable little penguins waddling ashore after a day of fishing at sea (which you’re most likely to see at Penneshaw btw).

The island’s coastal cliffs provide nesting sites for numerous seabird species, including the striking White-bellied Sea-Eagle, which can be observed soaring high above the waves in search of prey. I was lucky enough to see one at Seal Bay Conservation Park.

Cuckoo Shrike & Wattlebird, Kangaroo Island

Australian Spotted Crake, Kangaroo Island

Silvereye, Kangaroo Island

Koala, Kangaroo Island

Discovery Park Kangaroo Island

When visiting Kangaroo Island, make sure to check out Discovery Park, a popular accommodation option that is conveniently located near some of the island’s best birdwatching spots, and honestly it makes for one of the best birdwatching spots. With comfortable cabins and campsites nestled amidst natural surroundings, this park provides a perfect base for your birdwatching adventures.

Imagine waking up to the sounds of native Australian birds chirping in the trees just outside your cabin or tent. 

I stayed for 3 nights at Discovery Park Kangaroo Island and saw a variety of bird species in the park alone, such as the Cape Barren Goose, Scarlet Robin, Yellow Tailed Cockatoos, Nankeen Night Herons, Superb Fairy Wrens and more.

For those interested in exploring beyond the birdwatching spots, Discovery Park offers easy access to stunning beaches, rugged cliffs, and pristine bushland waiting to be discovered. Take a leisurely stroll along the coastline and witness the powerful waves crashing against the rocks, or venture into the bushland to spot unique wildlife such as echidnas and wallabies roaming freely in their natural habitat.

I literally had wallabies less than a metre away from me every night as I sat and ate dinner. This park is super super lovely and is genuinely a real immersion with wildlife. (Plus I saw 7 koalas in the park alone).

Cape Barren Goose, Kangaroo Island

Nankeen Night Heron, Kangaroo Island

Scarlet Robins on Kangaroo Island

The Scarlet Robin, with its vibrant red breast, is a sight to behold. The dense forests and woodlands of Kangaroo Island provide an ideal habitat for these stunning birds. Take a leisurely stroll through the forest trails as you keep an eye out for these delightful creatures, and you may be rewarded with a close encounter.

The first time I was about to get into the car after having lunch in Chapman River Campground. I sat down and thought “oh I should probably pee before this long drive”. As I stood there a bring red colour wizzed past me (pun intended) and I ran back to my car to get my camera. He sat perfectly on a branch looking at me. I spent 20 minutes or so taking photos of him (photos below) and he seemed genuinely intriegued by me.

Now I know what you’re thinking. That’s amazing! It must have been hard to wait until writing this blog to let people know you’d seen a wild Scarlet Robin; don’t worry I found a stranger 10 minutes later to show the photos to.

In total I was lucky enough to see 3 Scarlet Robins on my weeks trip. 

These small birds are known for their distinctive red plumage on their chest and face, which contrasts beautifully with their dark wings and back. The males sport the striking red color, while the females have a more subdued brownish tone, allowing them to blend in seamlessly with their surroundings as they tend to their nests.

Scarlet Robin, Kangaroo Island

Scarlet Robin, Kangaroo Island

Glossy Black Cockatoo Kangaroo Island

The Glossy Black Cockatoo is a rare and endangered species that calls Kangaroo Island home. With its jet-black plumage and bright red undertail feathers, this bird is a true marvel of nature. Join a guided tour or visit known feeding areas to catch a glimpse of these incredible creatures in their natural habitat.

Or try your luck and visit American River. They are 99% of the time found flying or on a Sheaok Tree. American River has the biggest population of Sheaoks so it’s your best luck to drive there. From locals I was told that visiting in the evening (sunset) gives you the best chance on seeing them. 

I had spent the whole week looking for them and was disapointed I hadn’t seen them. After asking around someone told me this insider scoop so I rushed down and was lucky enough to spot the rare Glossy Black Cockatoo.

It seemed less “insider knowledge” when you get to American River as it even has a cafe called “The Glossy Black”. But still, if you’re wondering where to see Glossy Black Cockatoos on Kangaroo Island, this is your safest bet (from my experience).

Red Tailed Black Cockatoo, Kangaroo Island

Red Tailed Black Cockatoo, Kangaroo Island

Pardalote, Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island’s Coastal Birds

The coastal areas of Kangaroo Island are teeming with birdlife. From elegant shorebirds like the Australian Pelican and the Pacific Gull to the graceful White-faced Heron, the island’s coastal birds offer a spectacle of avian diversity. Don’t forget to pack your binoculars and explore the stunning beaches and rocky shores, where these beautiful birds can be found.

My favourite spots for Coastal Birdwatching were American River, Vivonne Bay, Hanson Bay and Stokes Bay.

Pelican VS Silvergull, Kangaroo Island

Sooty Oystercatcher, Kangaroo Island

Hooden Plover, Kangaroo Island

Raptor Domain, Kangaroo Island

If you have a fascination for birds of prey, a visit to Raptor Domain is a must. Located in the center of Kangaroo Island, this unique conservation park offers thrilling bird of prey presentations that showcase the incredible aerial skills and natural behaviors of majestic birds such as the Wedge-tailed Eagle, the White-bellied Sea Eagle, and the magnificent Peregrine Falcon.

Honestly, I cannot recommend this place enough. All the birds are rescues and treated so well. The giant Wedge Tailed Eagle getting head scratches and cuddling up to the keeper was adorable.

If you’re a lucky audience member you can hold one of the birds so be sure to sit in the front row for your best chance.

Absolutely incredible. Highly recommend for birdwatchers and non-birders.

White Bellied Sea Eagle at Raptor Domain, Kangaroo Island

Seal Bay, Kangaroo Island

Seal Bay is not only home to a large population of Australian Sea Lions but also hosts a variety of bird species. As you observe these playful and curious marine mammals, keep an eye out for hooded plovers, silver gulls, and crested terns soaring above the bay. The combination of seals and birds creates a unique wildlife experience.

I was lucky enough to spot a White Bellied Sea Eagle as we were at the beach. Which was quite lucky as aparently they’re not that common on that beach!

As you can see, Kangaroo Island is a birdwatcher’s paradise. With its diverse habitats and abundant birdlife, this island offers a truly unforgettable birdwatching experience. So grab your binoculars, lace up your boots, and embark on a journey to discover the avian wonders of Kangaroo Island!

Scarlet Robin, Kangaroo Island

Red Tailed Black Cockatoo, Kangaroo Island

Seal Bay, Kangaroo Island

Best spots to Birdwatch on Kangaroo Island

Honestly, it’s difficult for me to pick 1 or 2 specific spots. I spent a full week on the island which is PLENTY of time. It’s not that large of an island so you really will have time to do everything.

I did every adventure activity on the island, visited what felt like every park and went to a bunch of cafes. 

My favourite Birdwatching Spots on Kangaroo Island (if I had to choose) would be;

  • Lashmar Conservation Park
  • Penneshaw (Penguin Tours)
  • American River (Glossy Black Cockatoos)
  • Stokes Bay (Seabirds)
  • Flinders Chase National Park
  • Discovery Park KI (formally “Western Ki Caravan Park”)
  • Raptor Domain

In terms of other activies I recommend on the island. I would definetely add to your list;

  • Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park
  • Kingscote Tidal Pool
  • Little Sahara Sandboarding (10/10)
  • Hanson Bay Tours
  • Remarkable Rocks
  • Admirals Arch
  • Kelly Hills Caves (10/10 must do!)
  • Vivonne Bay
  • Seal Bay

Juv Crimson Rosella, Kangaroo Island

Superb Fairy Wren, Kangaroo Island